Sunday, June 7, 2009

New Piece about My Papi ...just a preview, not done

Baseball was more than sport
It spelled freedom in capital letters
his travel to the U.S. was visible from left field of Boca Chica, DR
Literally not having a pot to piss in
Papi could play and he had a dream
So he took his Caribbean tan and patched gloved hands
and made it happen
With roots as dark as sugars canes
He had a sweet tooth for trouble
Growing pain and in the midst an undeniable talent
Family was more than a sport
It spelled abandonment in capital letters
And his daughter’s smile was visible from left field of his living room
Literally not having a heart to love
His calling to be a man was an alarm clocking he ignored
pressing snooze every 15 seconds to keep being a child
His body prepared a funeral
His heart was the first to go
next was his ability to know he was dying
his cognitive, Gone
Losing sight of his goals
His savage past made him blind to ethics
my body became a blind man's brail and touch was the only way he could read me
So I took my Caribbean tan and his patched gloved hands as...


  1. hotness all the way. Welcome to the jungle gym where big kids do poetry. Not many WOMers can play here.
